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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon  KPIX  July 13, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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house in san bruno this morning and it has turned deadly. it was reported 8:45 a.m., this was a photograph taken from the san brno patch website. crews were able to put out the flames and 50 minutes but we have been told that a two year- old who was critically injured has now passed away. we do not know the extent of other injuries. but we do know that a two year- old has died. >> firefighters contending with hot and windy conditions in the sierra foothills. battling a wildfire that has been burning since wednesday in placer county. it has consumed two square miles of vegetation between forest hill and colfax. flames calmed down overnight, the fire is still only 10 percent contained. 300 people have been evacuated and if the fire across a canyon they could endanger the entire community of colfax.
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today it jumped a dirt road and forced firefighters to retreat because of the dangers of falling debris >> >> it is hard pressed to make it by with the heat and raw materials could potentially damage the engine. >> senators expected to remain high with low humidity. so far no one has been injured, no buildings have been burned. >> the city of san jose about to get much safer. the fire department getting an $8.6 million federal safety grant to hire and train more than two dozen badly needed recruits. it >> we are a very low staff fire departments, one of lowest staff for a major city in the country. in fact we are the lowest staff for the top 25 population speak cities in this country. >> the city after personnel will cut down on overtime expenses. the 27 recruits could be working by early next year. >> a growing problem with no
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solution, prisoners crowding into county jails with no place to put them. ann mackovic is here with one potential fix in the east bay and the people vowing to fight it every step of the way. >> wearing yellow ribbons saying " invest in people, not in jails ". dozens came to speak out against a plan for a new detention facility. >> , the county should be accountable for their communities to invest in social services and actual fundamental local law enforcement. >> the $3 million proposal would build an avid of steel buildings on this property for 120 inmates. >> we realize this is a large number but this is a number that we believe that we need to successfully accomplish what we're trying to >> that is because the new state policy sends people to county jails instead of state prison. right now 230 extra inmates are housed in contra costa county. the money for the new building would come from state funds. >> we have other alternatives
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besides incarceration. >> this organization spoke out offering other proposals like ankle bracelets for low-level offenders. >> we would love to have those type of programs and options but we don't have that. >> he says many are rival gang members that need to be kept apart. one proposal that the sheriff refuses to consider is to stop " bling undocumented immigrants for the feds. >> wire with spending county money to do the federal government's job when the federal government as billions of dollars? >> the sherrif has a responsibility to keep the community safe and that is what he is elected for, that is his mind set, he will keep the community safe as it possibly can. >> no decision was made this morning, the proposal will go to the board of supervisors. >> both president obama and mitt romney expect a tough fight for virginia in november. the president is there to try and convince voters that he is the best canada to turn around
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the economy while the two campaigns to battle over the time mitt romney spent as head of a private equity firm. danielle nottingham takes a look that both sides. >> president obama off to court voters in virginia, digging in for a tough battle with mitt romney death in the state he won four years of golf. >> the reason that we came together, was to restore that promise for middle-class families and all who are striving to get into the middle class. >> the two campaigns are in the middle of a bitter exchange about the time mitt romney spent as ceo of bain capital. mitt romney said that he left the firm in 1999 to run the olympics but new reports suggest paperwork listed him as in charge until 2002. >> either mitt romney forced his own signature, and was misrepresenting his position at a capitol to the sec, which is a
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felony. or he was misrepresenting his position to the american people. >> the mitt romney campaign asked the president to apologize for his staff's commons and he is aggressively pushing back against the claim that he sent american jobs overseas. >> the obama outsourcing attacks are misleading. >> he is trying to turn this attack against a president. >> if there is an outsource are in chief is the president of united states and not the guy was running to replace them. >> according to the latest polls ads attacking mitt romney are working in swing states. danielle nottingham, cbs news, the white house. >> to see the full interview with the president and first lady, tune in to cbs sunday morning. and the republican vice- presidential boz today focusing on condoleezza rice. the drug reports that she is on the short list of possible running mates. mitt romney and his team are considering. even though she said in no
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uncertain terms that she is not interested in the job, the mitt romney camp has not commented on those reports. >> j.p. morgan chase stock up 6% on a better than expected earnings report. they made $5 billion in the last quarter, despite an embarrassing trading blunder. they lost $6 billion because of a strategic mistake in their london office. all managers in gault had been fired and ordered to give back two years of compensation. the news having a big impact on wall street, the dow up for the first time in over a week, and in a big way. 187 points. >> in the middle east there has been another massacre of civilians in syria. can tie regime activists say that government forces shelled a farming village yesterday before armed thugs move in, killing dozens of people. it is not clear exactly how many as activist provide varying numbers.
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but is one of the deadliest episodes since the uprising did >> a man from redwood city was buried at golden gate national cemetery, he and six fellow marines died in 1944 when their plane crashed on a remote island in the south pacific. their remains were finally found back in 2007 and were identified, finally, through dna. coming up, making the connection. >> the major milestone for toddlers at oakland international airport. >> i have been in line for two hours. >> not concert tickets, why families were lined up for blocks in the south bay? >> a dramatic car crash caught on-camera. how would is used to be encouraging other drivers to slow down? >> i-80 in the cbs 5 weather center with a cool breeze in the
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>> here is a vivid reminder of the dangers of running a red light. it is crash happened two weeks ago in a new jersey town just outside of new york. it is the first accident since safety cameras were installed two years ago. the driver has been charged with drunk driving offenses. >> construction milestone in the east bay. crews installing girders for an automatic people mover between bart and oakland international airport. cate caugurian was there as the first murder went in. >> >> the first girder is now on the open connector, a symbol that this patch of rain is right on track.
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it will link the oakland coliseum to the airport. leaders say that it will put the city on the map. >> in the future as soon as this open airport connector is open, the nearest bart station is your gateway to the airport and anywhere in the world. >> passerby's can already see the progress but would you cannot see is progress in the economic development of oakland >> i feel like i'm making history. >> it give jobs to more than 500 workers, most from the bay area. 20 percent of those jobs to open residents. >> it was awesome because for a long time i knew i wanted to do this but i did not know how to get into this type of field because there are not that many women in the field. but i did it. >> city leaders say that this project is not only extending bart but i hope to a community in a struggling economy. >> there is no place in the city of oakton where there's economic development that is taking place in the city. ben the district.
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>> year's time months video of the construction so far. the construction started in march 2011 and is half complete. construction is expected to wrap up later this year and then it will begin the testing phase before the first official ride in 2014. >> for former recruiters for the academy of art university in san fransisco say that the school was drawing up their own rules to entice applicants at the government's expense. the former employees are suing the school in federal court saying that their pay was adjusted based on how many students they registered, and the school lied about it to the feds to boost financial aid pay out of the school sends that its methods were allowed under a legal loophole that existed at the time. some other bay area stories, san fransisco city banned plastered grocery bags and now has a new target. plastic bottles. they may soon require owners of
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new and renovated buildings with water fountains to install special bottles filling water taps to encourage people to reuse their containers. a heads up for drivers. the dumbarton bridge will be closed down over the labor day weekend. crews will take the opportunity to complete another part of that seismic retrofit project which should be completed in time for the morning commute on tuesday after labor day >> if you need proof that times are tough for a lot of families, look no further than this line right here. hundreds of parents lined up in san jose for the chance to get their kids off to a better start at school. patrick kane shows us that the donated backpacks that they're registering for carry something even more important than the supplies inside. >> everyone has been coming in since 9:00 last night, signing up for the annual back packs drive. it stretched around the block. as of now there are 560 people in line to receive the back packs.
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>> i have been in line for two hours. >> she brought her sons, they're anxious to go back to school with a little bit of help. >> all kids deserve backpacks and i have six kids, so sometimes it is hard to purchase them all backpacks and school supplies. with help like this it is great. >> she stated a sleeping bag or might. >> they're all happy. it puts a smile on their face. >> it will contain school supplies, pencil and paper in grants and calculators and provide needed self-esteem. >> you see them getting confidence? >> absolutely because they can look like their peers, appears that have more assets and their families. but i can start the year right and really focus on challenges of math and english education levels. and then start dreaming about college. >> this is not the back at give away itself, this is the line to sign up for the back packs. they have 300 and they expect a need for 2300. reporting from san jose, cbs 5.
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>> get ready to click " by " the online retailer that could make same-day delivery standard. >> and facebook its a big >> and facebook its a big facelift,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, discover british columbia.
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visit: >> and facebook its a big facelift,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> lawrence talked about a big
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cool down today, and guess what? it is cold in san fransisco. >> a lot of cool air moving in throughout the weekend, we're going to see plenty of fog throughout the weekend, thickening up outside and just in time to bring down those temperatures. no triple digits heat in the bay area, some monsoon clouds creeping into southern california. none of that will reach the bay area. clouds continuing out over the bay. a pretty good onshore push and that will drop those temperatures. 70 degrees in san jose and 73 in santa rosa. 59 and cool in san fransisco with 68 degrees in livermore. by the afternoon you will see warming in the hot spots but inside of the bay lots of '60s and '70s with low '80s in the san jose area but out along the coast '50s and '60s with low clouds and fog continuing. tonight the fog will make its way back on shore.
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it looks then further on shore well into the valley so tomorrow morning we wake up to a lot of clouds early on and then a slow burn off. temperatures about 101 degrees in fresno and 92 in the sacramento valley. these numbers will also be cooling down throughout the weekend. there is a trough beginning to dig in all of the west coast that will usher in more cool air into the bay area and drop temperatures overnight and into tomorrow as the low clouds and fog will surge on shore, filling the valleys. if that happens it's images will take a hit by tomorrow afternoon. looking at numbers running up as high as 82 in san jose but still 90 in morgan hill, 62 and cloudy in pacifica. east bay centers in the '80s, maybe low ninety's in places like antioch and brentwood. 82 in the napa valley and in the north bay 81 in santa rosa but only 64 degrees and a lot of clouds making their way into san fransisco. 71 in oakland. the next couple of days temperatures are back to normal.
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morning low clouds and fog giving way to sunshine in the afternoon and then as we head into the middle of next week another system will drop into the bay area with images running below average. it could get interesting for the middle of the week when we tapped into some subtropical moisture in the bay area. if that happens, you never know, things could get unsettled but at least it will be cool. >> happy weekend. we love friday. amazon .com adding distribution centers and this may signal a shift to same-day delivery. the financial times reports that amazon will open facilities in 10 states over the next four years including a hearing california. that could enable the company to offer delivery just hours after customers place their orders. making amazon at competitive even if it has to charge sales tax here in the states. >> keeping track of every bite you you could help you lose more weight. researchers in seattle looked at data on 123 overweight and obese older women and they found women
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that kept food journalists lost 6 lbs. more than those that did not. experts say that you're going to keep a food journal it is important to record everything you eat and be honest and accurate about what you log. a new report on health care shows 20 percent of u.s. women had no insurance in 2010, nearly 19 million women. 16.7 million were underinsured according to the commonwealth fund. the report projects that women without insurance will drop to 8% under the affordable care act. more and more americans are opting to spruce up their physical profile for a better online profile. >> the wild popularity of social media has been linked to an uptick in cosmetic surgery. believe it or not, the chin implant is the fastest-growing procedure here in the united states. >> i saw a profile that i did not want to believe was mine. it was awful for me. there was no chin. there was no definition.
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>> i am okay with my chin. >> in the past year there has been a 71% jump in the number of chin implants, a bigger increased and breast implants and liposuction combined. not just women. half of all the implants last year when two men. so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will.
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>> today's tip of the day is going to be tears on the market. it is crunchy, is delicious. also great on the grill with a little bit of balsamic vinegar. just a little bit, and salt. they're great in some many different salads but you need to pick it right. and store it right because unlike other pairs, if you store it at room temperature that will get mushy and that you do not want. this one is perfect, nice color all around. and nice and firm. hard like an apple. at the skin needs to be free from any shriveling or decay. when you bring them home store them in the refrigerator. not on the counter or in the refrigerator.
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enjoy them within two or three days because they are imported. picked thousands of miles away. i am your fresh grocer, always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. i love these tears. >> comic book lovers' unites. the 42nd comiccon, the annual convention of all things superhero underway in san diego right now, the largest gathering of comic book fans, writers, actors and film makers, many people arrived dressed for the occasion. comiccon 2012 could attract as many as 130,000 visitors and bring $180 million in revenu
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>> hope: liam, it's okay. i understand. and i'm not gonna tell the press about any of that. trust me, what happens in our private life is private. >> liam: no, it's--it's n-- i'm not worried about that. listen, um... you don't know everything, and i'm trying to be honest with you. on the day of our wedding, i really did think that you left me, and i did something, and i know that... (chuckles) i know that now is not the time or the place to get into this, but, uh, you need to hear this from me. >> steffy: this is the last thing hope needs to hear right now. >> brooke: she deserves to know the truth.


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